Friday, May 20, 2011

612 Bestest Birthday Present Evah!!

I met David Hixon, father to Peter Hixon, my son Adam's best friend from K-10 at the Barrington Park District 5-hole par 3 golf course yesterday.  He had not played golf for 40 years, BUT, he has excellent grip, stance, set up and swing tempo.  I gave him the one small earth shattering tip, and the son of a gun hits the damn 5-iron 175 yard, which, I cannot do (so what)!

I called Adam in the evening to pass along the "hello" from David.  Then Adam said, "will you be home tonight, because I want to come over!"

HOT FUCKIN DAMN!  Yes sir, son, I will be home.  And come over he did.  Fiorst time I've seen him since his birthday (11-11-2011, he will turn 27).  HE IS going out with Amy Swail, who is in a relationship (it's complicated)!  I am so happy.  And I got to talk with him about all the things that are important, so, even if I never see him again (unlikely), at least he has the grounding of my most important stuff to say.

ADAM JAMES GANZER - I love you to death, son.  You justified my existence on this planet, oh placid one, oh giving one, oh kind one, oh healing one.

I will always be your father!  I am always here for you!  I love you, and all that entails, which, btw, is quite a lot.


MArkus your ainius
Your Ainius is biggest,
Not like your Brainius!!

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