Friday, April 22, 2011

379 Happy Easter Ziggy!

Richard Dziewiontkowski was the first friend I made after my folks moved our house about one mile north.  We were the closest of friends, and the fiercest of competitors at one-on-one B-Ball.  Rode our bikes all over hell and back.  Ziggy came up here, to Barrington, when we moved, and we rode our bikes all over hell and back, and it would take me until January, 1966, to realize just how badly I dressed (compared to the suave, sophisticated Barrington Kids).  So, Rick was like a security blanket for me - helping me, along with Ray Tourville, Ray the Barber, to make the transition to a new home.

So, since I'm really feeling good about so much stuff, and getting back to my roots, to Streator which both formed and informed me, I wrote this note to Zig:

I've been going to St. Anne's because they have a 7:15 a.m. mass on Sunday and I'm always awake. (I'm such an exciting guy that I fall asleep watching the Chicago Bulls in the NBA playoffs before the end of the 1st quarter; then awaken around 1 p.m., so, now that I've got my 6-7 hours of sleep, it's time to hit the puter and update the 13 blogs I'm running.  As my soon to be 27-year old son (turns 27 11-11-11, which is kinda kewl)  "MARKUS - you have too much time on your hands.  Get a job!"

I'm even going to usher at the 11 p.m. mass, then off to lunch with the Mag's (my Magliola cousins, Robert and his family, Mark and his family, and Uncle Mike - doubtful cousin Mike or Sam, the two oldest, will be there.  But it's always a good time with great food!

DAMN MAN - you were the best friend I ever had.

God Bless You Rick,

I'll get to see you once I start my criss-cross country music fund raising tour - I'll be singin' and beatin' on the piannie keys to beat the band; probably will have a pretty kick ass band with me by the time we circle back to the great show me state.

Planning to end up near Centerville, IA, where I will buy a cheap house on 2.6 acres of land, put up Quonset huts and a ginormous laundromat, charge $1.00 a day to keep the truckers' and bikers' beers cold, have local law enforcement work as security forces, and, basically, secede from the union - cash and barter only.

Sounds like a lot of fun to me - oh, yes, and I'm starting a political party - the WASP PEAS - We Aint Stupid Peoples Party:

With love to you and all you love,

Mark Raymond Ganzer

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