Friday, April 22, 2011

368 God Bless You Leslie Bills & Wendy Effer

The two best girl friends I ever had were Leslie Bills (Streator, 7th grade) and Wendy Effer (Barrington, my Frosh College year - 1964 & 1970) Thinking about one constant over that six year period of turmoil and turbulence in the land, and turmoil and turbulence in my mind and soul -- and it's Bobbie Zimmerman, aka Bob Dylan.  I'm listening to his greatest hits volume #1 album now, and it brings back a lot of good memories, and cloaks me with a melancholy of the kind which we need to purify ourselves.  What made them the best?  The listened to me; they liked me for more than my good looks; they did not cling; they were funny; they were smart - real smart; they were artistic; they were quiet; they were honest; and it is no surprise whatsoever to learn that both have been married, happily, to the same man for 30+ years.  They are both very lucky we did not get more seriously involved at the time.  I would have broken those tender hearts, neither of which deserved breaking.

I wish that for just one time
You could stand in my shoes
And just for the one moment
I could be you
Yes I wish that for just one time
you could stand inside my shoes
You'd know what a drag it is to see you.

And, I guarantee you, the one to whom I gave my heart and got nothing, ABSOLUTELY nothing, in return,
for THAT one, I have forgiven myself.

But whatever happened to me, that I, who had been so blessed by the kindnesses and genuineness of upright girls, should fall prey to one who only took; who only took; and maybe, let us pray, no longer takes, but can give (and who named her son Dylan).

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