Wednesday, May 18, 2011

534 We all enjoy rights from 'Our Creator'

The recent American atheist convention here missed a couple of salient points in presenting their apologetic.

First, when they engage students, remember they are science savvy. They know the Big Bang theory - it all happened from the explosion of a tiny particle 13.3 to 9 billion years ago. And logically there had to be a prior first cause.

Also, they realize that a universe of intricate physical laws derive from a logic. Randomness explains nothing. Before time and space a Logos must have existed.
It was science and logic that led atheism's most prominent 20th century apologist to conclude that God does exist. Professor Anthony Flew explains his journey to belief as he studied the implications of the Big Bang theory and the chemistry of DNA in his book, "There Is a God."

In the 20th century, Nazis and communists slaughtered 50 million to 80 million innocent people. Both governments excluded God and religion, being rooted in the atheistic philosophies of Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche. Atheistic governments are dangerous. With no Creator to endow us with unalienable rights, the state fills the vacuum and decides who is human or who is not.
Perhaps the American atheist should welcome the safeguards built into our Declaration of Independence by the religion of our Founding Fathers. They purposely penned "Our Creator" as the source of unalienable human rights. Religion brings the wisdom of the natural law to the table of political and social discourse.

American atheists need to remember that Americans know world history and science. Both point in the direction of Supreme Being.

- Msgr. Frank E. Bognanno, Christ the King Catholic Church, Des Moines

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