Monday, April 25, 2011

387 Tom Brokaw - twister of a phrase in honor of the WWI GI's, but 'tis all spin; all spin

Sorry, but no way in hell do they qualify as the greatest generation - how about the founding fathers? how about Abe Lincoln? How about the Dirty Fucking Hippies who stopped a war?... they won a war they could not lose once the US marshalled the etire energies of the coutry into the war effort - nothing great about that, just ruthless efficiency, aid...ed by the most capable Robert MacNamara and the whiz kids ... the so-called "greatest generation" sat pretty much idly by while St Joe McCarthy ran wild with his allegations of "commie, commie, everywhere, but not a one finds I? So what who cares, who gives a damn, why should I even try? WELL ... they get full credit for these activities ... first protest of the American involvement in French Indo-China - 1945 when 220 merchant seamen signed a letter of protest about carrying Japanese generals to take over the military leadership roles of the French Vichy military government -- a clear case of the attempt of France to rehabilitate its own self-image as an Imperialist Power (yes, they just luved themselves that self-image .. until it started to cost, like, real $$ - which the US eventually funded to the 80% level, and real blood)

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