Monday, April 25, 2011

386 That was not even remotely close to a rant.

I simply reported what happened.

If you want to call it a rant, fine ... no point in arguing a point upon which we disagree.

Here's as rant:

That stupid ball-busting cock-biting C-word
who calls herself my mother is up to her same
old controlling tricks again.
Why in the world she shames herself in that fashion is incomprehensible to me.
Why doesn't she just sit around and verbally pick on
the worthless piece of crap that calls me his son?
But, she will only do that with witnesses.
Never saw two people more perfectly suited for each other.
They get into violent arguments that neither one will surrender on when they are in 100% agreement
Trouble is, each wants to get in the last word, and on this matter ... they cannot seem to compromise.
They don't deserve to have me as a son;
They don't deserve their grandsons (who never call, never write, and only come over for birthdays and Christmas
which kind of looks like "gimme presents or I not visit," but in fact is prophylaxix designed to keep them
from avoiding the harsh hatred of two who would break in two if the other were to suddently drop dead
Although, personally, I think it would be far more interesting to watch one or the other succumb to Alzheimers,
yet, in the best of all possible worlds, they would BOTH get it together ... the closes they've come to
simultaneous @rg@sm in their lives.
They only got one child they deserved ... the lesbo daughter.
She's a worthless piece of stinking detritus also
Too damn bad she wasn't fully paralyzed by the car that hit her while she was riding her
bike on Lake Shore Drive back in '78.
Then they'd have already had a psycho-traumatic problem child,
and I might have been able to slip off silently into the shadeos, or, at least
be difficult to spot, walking so far, deliberately, and silenly,
Returning home ever less frequently,
Stopping telephone communications permanently

Gee, my life gets so much easier if their thoughts are constantly on ministering to the one
Who will never come out of the coma
And they will be able to go on like this, comfortable 
In that sad uncomfortable kind of way that only the co-dependents
Who fail to realize that holding out hope for the hopeless
Is NOT the percentage play,
to go hoping for THAT particular miracle

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