Monday, January 23, 2012

And the present democratic party elites (including their academic supporters, their so-called "liberal" media supporters, etc) are going the way of the Republicans - it will take far less time for the democratic party to implode, however!

There was a time when the Republicans (well, not all of them, probably only the same 5% as exist today that commit civility, whether intentional or not) actually DID care, somewhat, about the little guys / gals -- Eisenhower, for example, was a visionary, and as a member of ALL organs of the military-industrial-congressional-media-prison-academic-health insurance-real estate rip off-financial disservice complex - well understood the (very easy and yet oh so destructive) path the more radical members (this would be the 95%) of the party wanted to take. I really DO think Richard Nixon's middle name was "Fucking," and everybody in my circles called him just that, by those three names.

But, Nixon feared the people (the last American President to do so), and rightfully did he fear them. IRONICALLY, not since Nixon has an American President feared the people; they in fact have been waging propaganda warfare upon "we the sheeple" for the longest time, ostensibly because it is in our best interest to have 5% of the world's population and consume something like 50% of the world's energy, mineral wealth, and probably food too - exploting not merely the natural wealth of other nations, but also their academic and technologically adapt citizens, dishing out 1/4 of a million "special skill set" visas a year, so that foreign workers may work for 50-65% of what an American trained and educated worker in the identical position would accept (and expect) as salary.

But, when your entire foreign policy is based upon screwing the rest of the world over, it won't take very long until your domestic policy too rests on screwing over just about everybody in the country (the 99%-ers). That is the way of exploitation; that is the way of greed; the corporate welfare state fuels itself on the body, blood, and sinews of its weakest population cohorts, and what were formerly considered to be "important / prestigious" careers, simply ain't a'-gonna be important or prestigious no' mo'  (medical doctor; teacher; government employee).  The only careers the elites figure are worth entering into are the careers where one either lies with numbers (investment bankers) or lies with words (speech writers; opinion columnists; white paper writers).

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