Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rupert Murdoch Declares War On Occupy Wall Street

by ProudProgressive Posted October 10, 2011
Related Topics: Fox News, right wing, Wall Street, Drugs, War, Facebook, Case, Crash, Giant, Fighting, Crime, New York, Pot, Free, Place, parents, Food, cheese

Rupert Murdoch Uses His Media Empire to Declare War On Occupy Wall Street
October 10, 2011
By Jason Easley

In what amounts to a declaration of war against Occupy Wall Street, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp has launched a misinformation assault on the 99% across multiple parts of his media empire.

MG: Of course, this was not unexpected - the propaganda wing of the LKBAU (Let's Keep Bidness As Usual Upper Oners would be all over this like flies over shit - an extremely apt analogy

Here is the video from Media Matters:

Steve Doocy quoted almost verbatim from a New York Post article that highlighted the crime, drug abuse and free food at Occupy Wall Street.


Here are some of the parts of the article that Doocy read almost as written on the air,

Wanted for burglary, the drug-addled fugitive said some of his hard-partying pals clued him in that the protest was a good place to be fed, get wasted and crash. "I've been smoking and drinking in here for eight days now," said Dave, booze on his breath and his eyes bloodshot as he lay sprawled on a tattered sheet of cardboard. "I need to get some methadone. Every day, I wake up, and I'm f–ked up." Drugs can be easy to score — a Post reporter was offered pot for $15 and heroin for $10.

Easy now to see why SMACK has become the drug of choice of former pot-heads ... it's all about the $$$$$!

The free chow offered to protesters was boosting the crowd.

there oughta be a law against giving free food to protester - HELL, free food to ANYBODY (although, when a bidnessman writes off lunch with a client, that seems to me to be a whole lot like free food

"People say they are here for the cause, but the real reason is the free food," quipped Cameron, 26, of Jersey City. "On my third day, they had smoked salmon with cream cheese. You know how much smoked salmon is a pound? Sixteen dollars. I eat better here than I do with my parents!"

CAMERON - DUDE - hey mon, you're friggin' 26-years old and living with Ma and PA? You ARE a legacy baby - the lower 99er special - dumber than a rock holding turtles fucking

At one point yesterday, a speaker from Washington, DC, told protesters how to break out of zip ties and handcuffs in case they get collared.

THIS is bogus beyond beliefs - how many of you have ever been cuffed by police? #1 - they cuff your hands behind your back, so, how the fuck are you gonna break out the old ZIP TIES?

The protest vet, Ryan Clayton, 30, demonstrated how use a bobby pin to spring the cuffs open — while claiming he was "not encouraging people to break out of restraints."

News Corp owned Fox News used the quotes from the also News Corp owned Post to substantiate their claims that the people attending Occupy Wall Street are criminals, druggies, and hippies who are only there for the free food. The point of writing such stories and essentially reading them on Fox News is not only to smear Occupy Wall Street, but also to scare News Corp readers and viewers who might be having sympathetic feelings or even considering standing with the 99%.

While to impute motive is simply rude, I think door #2: to scare News Corp readers and viewers who might be having sympathetic feelings or even considering standing with the 99%

News Corp is trying to portray the protests as dangerous places full of shady characters where drugs and sex are running rampant. The Post article even worked in a quote and a reference to Woodstock. The strategy is clear. News Corp is combining their resources to spread an anti-Occupy Wall Street message across multiple media properties and platforms. This is an escalation of their attack on the protesters and their message.

Murdoch is using his vast media empire to declare war on Occupy Wall Street and the 99%. News Corp is now coordinating their message and attacks. The anti-Occupy message has been appearing on several News Corp owned properties individually, but the media giant is now trying to unify the dissemination of their misinformation. News Corp has gone from mocking the protests, to denying the size of the protests, to launching an all-out coordinated misinformation campaign against Occupy Wall Street.

First they ignore us; then they mock us; finally they hire mercenaries to kill us; in the end, we prevail!

News Corp and the right wing media

Here I must complain. What the fuck do you exactly mean by "the right wing media?" Couldn't you have at LEAST named some of the usual suspects? FOX NEWS, COX MEDIA, etc, etc, etc - so that readers or viewers of those media are at least aware of the bias and might use their power as consumers of lies and misinformation to take their "help me understand what's going on" bucks and spend them on some other, hopefully less partisan news hacks.

have been trying for over a week now to slow down the growth of this movement with no success. More people are joining the existing protests, and new protests are springing up around the country. The 99% don't have a Rupert Murdoch, but they do have thousands of people taking to Twitter, Facebook, blogs and websites to report the truth about these protests.

AH .. THIS is the friggin story - the POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA (which has toppled repressive governments in the middle east and Europe). WE have our means of communications, and it is INTANTATER! -- an incurable advantage in the propaganda wars.

The one percent have their media machine churning out their propaganda 24/7, but they are fighting a message war that they are destined to lose.

In the end, only the 1% will listen to their media machine, forever believing their own propaganda, and not even considering that the most dangerous creature in the universe is the salesman who has bought his own line of bull shit, hook line, and stinker!

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