Monday, October 10, 2011

Aimless Obama walks alone

October 9, 2011

The reports are not good, disturbing even. I have heard basically the same story four times in the last 10 days, and the people doing the talking are in New York and Washington and are spread across the political spectrum.

The gist is this: President Obama has become a lone wolf, a stranger to his own government. He talks mostly, and sometimes only, to friend and adviser Valerie Jarrett and to David Axelrod, his political strategist.

MG: This ought to surprise no one. Nixon did the same thing; so did George W Bush. OBUMMAH came to office heralded by the press (slowly they were to annoint him) and intellectual white voters of the democratic persuasion - but he was all rhetoric and no conviction - consider the frequency of his "present" votes as the Senator from Illinois. He talked a good game, but talking is not really good enough - he started his reelection campaign on about 6 November, 2007 and EVERYTHING he has done, all the legislation he has supported or wanted to have passed was legislation that was designed with partisan intent. He was, and remains an utter fool - cutting social welfare benefits to the middle class and bailing out the Wall Street Banks almost as if the US Guv has money to burn. To my mind, one of the three or four worst presidents ever (and no, I go NOT count GWB, er, excuse me, President Dick Cheney as one of the three worst ever)

Everybody else, including members of his Cabinet, have little face time with him except for brief meetings that serve as photo ops. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner both have complained, according to people who have talked to them, that they are shut out of important decisions.

The president’s workdays are said to end early, often at 4 p.m. He usually has dinner in the family residence with his wife and daughters, then retreats to a private office. One person said he takes a stack of briefing books. Others aren’t sure what he does.

If the reports are accurate, and I believe they are, they paint a picture of an isolated man trapped in a collapsing presidency. While there is no indication Obama is walking the halls of the White House late at night, talking to the portraits of former presidents, as Richard Nixon did during Watergate, the reports help explain his odd public remarks.

The wars go on; the wars expand; new wars are started; the wars are expensive, very expensive; we have money for bombs and bullets, but a Gulf War I vet who lost an ovary in combat spends 21 years fighting a 43% total disability VA benefit, before finally getting 90% ... we grind our troops up on these misadventures to try and control the world's resources in the present moment, try to seek to maintain the present world order (international corptocracy) where people are given a listening ear from governments in direct porportion to the amount of $'s they hold; we continue to wage the so-called "War on Drugs: and are unable to win it, even though, the drugs have no army, the drugs have no navy, the drugs have no air force -- the drugs just have friends who want to ingest them; the rich own ever more of the world's wealth, so much concentrated in the hands of so few, and not enough left over for those of us in the "middle class" which, per the Chicago Tribuen, no accounts for the lower 1-99% of the wage earners. Some middle class THAT!

Obama conceded in one television interview recently that Americans are not “better off than they were four years ago” and said in another that the nation had “gotten a little soft.” Both smacked of a man who feels discouraged and alienated and sparked comparisons to Jimmy Carter, never a good sign.

"Americans are not 'better off than they were four years ago' ” smacks of a man who si TELLING THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. ONCE AGAIN, we have a writer who misses the REAL STORY! Are Americans worse off than four years ago? By ANY reasonable measure the answer would be an unqualified YES!

"The nation has gotten a little soft." Now, this is very interesting. I am more inclined to say the (people of the) nation in many ways has gotten quite a bit more hardened, more determined, more POLITICALLY ACTIVE - and are seeking DEMOCRATIC SOLUTIONS to the problems of inequitable distribution of wealth and the influence of money upon the political process.

"Both smacked of a man who feels discouraged and alienated" I call BULL SHITThat strikes me as a man who is clueless about how the people of the nation (the lower 99) are thinking, and what subversive actions they are taking (talking about politics EVERYWHERE - church, bars, MacDonalds, street corners, while riding commuter trains - EVERYWHERE

The other comment is just the truth. We tend to bury our politicians for telling the truth. Most of them wouldn't know how to tell it if 'the truth' were written in 20 point Arial Font by Noam Chomsky.

We DO send truthful politicians packing -- but, what has God's Own Party put forth as viable presidential alternatives?

Blaming the country is political heresy, of course, yet Obama is running out of scapegoats. His allies rarely make affirmative arguments on his behalf anymore, limiting themselves to making excuses for his failure. He and they attack Republicans, George W. Bush, European leaders and Chinese currency manipulation -- and that was just last week.

The blame game isn’t much of a defense for Solyndra and “Fast and Furious,” the emerging twin scandals that paint a picture of incompetence at best.

Obama himself is spending his public time pushing a $450 billion “jobs” bill -- really another stimulus in disguise -- that even Senate Democrats won’t support. He grimly flogged it repeatedly at his Thursday press conference, even though snowballs in hell have a better chance of survival.

One thing you can do with a $450,000,000,000 "jobs" bill is put 9,000,000 people to work at $50,000 per year, and even if they were just picking their noses, that would REALLY help the unemployment figures (which are always a lie anyway).

If he cracked a single smile at the hour-plus event, I missed it. He seems happy only on the campaign trail, where the adoration of the crowd lifts his spirits.

We want smiley faced presNITS

When it comes to getting America back on track to economic growth, he is running on vapors. Yet he shows no inclination to adopt any ideas other than his own Big Government grab. His itch for higher taxes verges on a fetish.

Harvey Golub, former chairman of American Express, called the “jobs” bill an incoherent mess. Writing in The Wall Street Journal, he said that among other flaws, the bill includes an unheard of retroactive tax hike on the holders of municipal bonds.

“Many of us have suspected that economic illiterates were setting the economic policy of this administration,” Golub wrote, adding that the bill “reveals a depth of cluelessness that boggles the mind.”

The public increasingly shares the sentiment. A new Quinnipiac polls finds that 55 percent now disapprove of Obama’s job performance, with only 41 percent approving. A mere 29 percent say the economy will improve if the president gets four more years.

The election, unfortunately, is nearly 13 months away.

The way Obama’s behaving, by then we’ll all be talking to portraits of past presidents, asking why this one turned out to be such a flop.

Why OBUMMAH turned out to be such a flop: Because he was an over-rated piece of shit to being with.

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