New Obama Campaign Ad Destroys Romney And His Time At Bain Capital (VIDEO)

Mitt ”Richie Rich’ Romney is desperately trying to convince voters that his advanced, private-sector business acumen makes him better to lead America during its economic crisis. But there’s just one glaring problem with that whole narrative that Romney is trying to cultivate: Mitt Romney is a job-cremator, not a job-creator. In brief, Mitt Romney is what you would call a ‘vulture capitalist,’ as he’s a corporate takeover consultant that preys on smaller companies.
Earlier today, the Obama campaign opened up a new chapter in its efforts to defeat Mitt Romney by releasing a documentary-style video and a full website that directly takes aim at Romney as being nothing more than a soulless corporate raider who might make Gordon Gekko consult Robert Reich. The guy worked for a company named after a massive Batman villain. So that should give you a clue.
Both the two-minute video and six-minute video feature interviews with former workers at GST Steel, a company acquired by Romney’s private equity firm Bain Capital in 1993 and one which shed 750 jobs after being acquired by Bain. What’s more, the Obama camp also launched a website,, which covers GST and two other companies that went bankrupt immediately after Bain acquired them.
“Like a vampire, (Bain) came in and sucked the life out of us,” former steel worker Jack Cobb says in the video. (Source: Reuters)
It’s safe to assume that Bain wasn’t anything like today’s über cool and super-emotional vampires depicted in teenage dramas but rather a never-ending labyrinth of smarmy, soul-sucking corporate lackeys in grey-flannel suits. Again, its name was Bain Capital!
The move, one of the most pointed and strongest attacks to date, looks to be part of ongoing effort by Obama’s advisers to define the former Massachusetts governor as an out-of-touch corporate raider whose policies would inflict harm on the middle class. Despite the fact that Obama has been largely business-friendly and whose economic policies netted 4 million jobs since October 2009, advisers are going out of their way to ensure that this ad isn’t about attacking the private equity industry.
“This isn’t about private equity,” Cutter said. “Put simply: If Romney believes he can grow the economy for the long term, then he learned the wrong economic lessons and values from his private-sector experience.” (Source: Reuters)
Yes, just don’t expect Fox News to see it that way. That would be like asking Ted Nugent to fight in war.
Individuals like Romney are the very same greedy banksters that got us into this biohazard level 4 economic sh#t-storm. So for Willard to want voters to choose him is like Sweeney Todd asking for more razors.
Here’s the video:
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Michael is a comedian/VO artist/Columnist extraordinaire, who co-wrote an award-nominated comedy, produces a chapter of Laughing Liberally, wrote for NY Times Laugh Lines, guest-blogged for Joe Biden, and writes a column for affiliated Cagle Media. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook, Youtube, like NJ Laughing Liberally Lab, and check out his Mitt Happens cafe press store. Seriously, follow him or he’ll send you a photo of Rush Limbaugh bending over in a thong.
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