Tuesday, January 31, 2012

American Spectator: Romney Knows He Can’t Beat Obama - But of course. Barry is loved by big bidness and liberals of a certain idiot mind set. The Republicans should get their voters to get out and vote in the Democratic Primaries, and vote for Barbara Boxer - SIMPLE STUFF - dirty politics 101 - as they did to Cynthia McKinney!


By: Martin Gould

Mitt Romney’s retort during last Thursday’s debate that healthcare is “not worth getting angry about,” is his own admission that he cannot beat President Barack Obama in the election, according to the American Spectator.

“Most Republican voters, and more than a few independents, would disagree,” wrote healthcare expert David Catron. “Romney apparently didn't notice that the hundreds of thousands of people who showed up at the nation's capitol to protest the impending passage of Obamacare were pretty angry.”

Romney made his remark after fellow candidate Rick Santorum challenged him on his position on Obama’s healthcare reforms. “Folks, we can't give this issue away in this election. It is about fundamental freedom,” the former Pennsylvania senator said.

Santorum’s tone showed that he cares about the issue, Catron wrote. 

“It's not an easy thing for a man of genuine principle to tolerate an opportunist like Romney, who obviously sees the issue as just another lever that he can use to hoist himself into public office.”

Catron said Romney’s “prissy” remark showed him as a man without convictions. Combined with his changing stances on gun control and abortion, he is giving Obama’s campaign too much ammunition should he win the Republican nomination.

“It will … be very easy for Obama and his creatures to exploit Romney's flip-flops in the general election,” he wrote. “They will make sure the voters understand that these reversals reveal Romney as just another unprincipled politician willing to say anything to win the election,” wrote Catron. “That the president himself is cut of the same cloth won't matter.”

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