Tuesday, September 6, 2011

going to court tomorrow (again)!

The Lutheran Church of the Atonement, Barrington, IL has had 4 senior pastors: Arthur Knudsen who was sent to answer the call from the original five founding families - the Willits, the Bowens, and I can't remember the others, in 1963. In 1964, the church cornerstone was lain, and one of Barrington's two most unique architectural structures constructed (the other being the home built in the tree in North Barrington) - the Lutheran Church of the Sat Down Upon (or Ark), as I called it.

The most stunning thing to me has been that of the three white, American male senior pastors, two have been so unfit for the post - one, Marcus Gravdahl was fired for sexually harassing congregants and subordinates, and for not paying his Federal Income Taxes for 8 years running.

An assistant pastor, Pastor Randy, was fired for non-performance of the duties assigned to him by the senior pastor. Randy felt that his ministry was a 40-hour per week gigue to the youths only.

Pastor Said Ailabouni was assigned to be Marcus Gravdahl's assistant, but, as events transpired, within six months Said was the senior pastor, and served brilliantly for 15 years. He left Atonement to accept an ELCA offer to be pastor to the pastors of the ELCA in the Middle East and Africa - being a Palestinian (born in Nazareth) and an Arabic speaker, it was a natural fit, but his decision to accept was prompted in no small part because he did not want to have to deal with firing Pastor Randy.

That job fell on the shoulders of Don Wink, who came with a mandate to straighten up the Randy situation, and start a third service featuring contemporary Christian music. My bother-in-law, Michael, the man of all seasons and many talents was the leader of the bands for 10 years. My sister sang, and my son still drums witn one of the three praise band teams! Three Praise Band Teams, all with about 10 players.

In March of 2007, I e-mailed Pastor Don to take me off the church membership rolls. This he did not do (non-feasance). Hi non-feasance directly resulted in his subsequently denying me access to Sunday worship services (I sang too high, and talked with the praise team setting up), including Easter Sunday, of this year. He subcontracted the job of kicking my sweet ass out on Easter Sunday to Pastor Paul, and I left with no harsh words, telling Pastor Paul that I held him no animosity. I have always abided by Don's wishes. Pastor Paul duly reported to my mother that he had been told by Pastor Don that I would not be permitted to attend Easter Worship (I would served as an usher at St. Anne Roman Catholic Church in town later that morning - wondering what it is that they don't know about me that let's them let me volunteer to be of service?)

My mother told Pastor Paul, "That's not fair."

And for this reason, I did not want Pastor Don to officiate the celebration of her life. I called my dad to ask him to not ask Pastor Don - "already asked, this can't be changed, things are moving too fast," said dad, 96 hours in advance of the memorial service.

I called pastor Don to ask that he not officiate, "The family already asked me," he said.

ALL RIGHT ... NOW, I am pissed. I called my sister, "Gay, could you please ask dad to reconsider having another pastor officiate mom's celebration?" "We already ask ...

And I hung up, exhausted, having slept 3 of the last 72 hours, updated F/B sent e-mails to 500+ people, having put together my thoughts for what the service should be, as well as the obituary ... or at least rough working drafts of the same, and I broke down weeping.

I dialed 9-1-1 and the Grayslake EMT delivered me to Condell Meorial Hospital (one of the worst in the area) emergency room, where, in front of a shrink, and hooked to an IV, I threatened to kill Pastor Don.

A while later a social worker interviewed me, and asked if I still wanted to kill pastor don. I had changed my mind, "No," I said, "I want to kill his family."

Enter the psych ward --- ROFLMFAO!!

Staying 11 days -- missing mom's wake, the memorial (which I would not ave attended with jagoff officiating).

Later, I see my personal physician, and the conversation about Wink the Twink arises, and I tell Jim, "Why in the world would I ever want to return to Atonment? NO ONE, not one member of my family, nor one of the congregants, some of whom I have known for 47 years ever complained to Pastor Don about his whimsical discrimination against me (a 60-year old, mentally ill, totally disabled, Muslim)!"

"I'll talk to Don tomorrow," says Jim.

And two days later, the Cook County Sheriff police hits me up with an order of protection ordering me to stay at least 500 feet away from Wink the Twink, and his family.

But, at least, NOW, I know where he lives (was too lazy to look it up).

And so, will have to come within 500 feet of him tomorrow, BECAUSE the stupid ball buster filed the fucking order.

Am fairly delighted with the prospect!

issued two prayer requests at my new home church, asking them to pray for Don for insight and understanding.

But, I forgot what a wimply coward he has turned out to be!

And so, THAT is why I pray for him for courage!

I wonder what prayers he is praying for me?

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Wink is a piece of garbage. He had me gaslighted by his friend Barbara Grace in late 2001, so he could cover up child abuse that occurred at his best friends, the Samata's, house. I was in denial of the abuse at that time, but the medical evidence of the abuse was finally handed over in mid 2005 by some decent and disgusted nurses. Don and his friends tried to murder me, via what's known as anticholinergic toxidrome poisoning, to cover up this child abuse. I absolutely agree, Don Wink is the scum of the universe. Hopefully, he'll some day garner insight into the reality that gas lighting people to cover up child abuse is not acceptable human behavior. But I doubt it. I think he believes such defamation and torture of other human beings is clever.

    By the way, did you know that the head of NIMH declared all the DSM disorders to be scientifically "lacking in validity" in 2013, and defunded research into them? And the UN declared forced psychiatric treatment to be "torture" in 2013, too. And you may want to read a book called "Anatomy of an Epidemic" and check into a website called Mad in America. I don't know what "mental illness" you believe you have, but the psych drugs do create the symptoms of the DSM disorders. And disgust at a hypocritical, unrepentant attempted murderer and child abuse cover upper is not a "mental illness."
